June 1, 2016 8:55 AM Central Standard Time
ELMHURST, IL.— LaSalle St. Investment Advisors, LLC. (LSIA), announced today that it is partnering with California-based Sortino Investment Analytics (SIA) to offer a powerful new asset allocation platform through its advisory network branded under the name of Salt Creek Investors.
The Salt Creek Investors (SCI) platform is the first of its kind to incorporate significant advancements in financial analysis, performance measures and quantitative methods developed over the past 60 years. Some of the brightest financial and analytical minds have contributed to its development, including Nobel Prize winners, William F. Sharpe and Daniel Kahneman, John von Neumann Theory Prize recipient Peter C. Fishburn, and the 2006 National Medal of Honor recipient Bradley Efron.
The SCI platform offers a more stringent and accurate methodology to analyze data and evaluate fund manager performance. Jim Kaffen, President of SIA states, “it’s the only platform of its kind that looks at monthly, not quarterly results and factors in thousands of return scenarios over several years’ time.”
Because it relies on purely objective analytics, the SCI platform has the ability to redefine the way firms are doing business. Jim Baldwin, LSIA’s Chief Investment Officer, had this to say about the platform. “It rewards positive performance and allows you to evaluate much more accurately. It takes objectivity and bias out of the equation.” Mr. Kaffen, added, “it’s the only methodology that will identify the style blend of the manager and incorporate this into the evaluation.”
Salt Creek offers five asset allocation models that are available to LSIA’s registered advisors as well as to advisors not registered with the firm that may want to access the SCI models. While the foundation and methodology it is built on was developed over the course of many years, LSIA began using the platform in February of 2016. To date, it has proven a powerful tool that is making it easier for advisors and clients to pursue positive returns. “We see the Salt Creek Investors platform as a way to offer a client friendly platform that will help continue to fulfill the fiduciary duty to the client, while at the same time provides a solution to the new Department of Labor (DOL) rules that begin to take effect in early 2017” says Mark Contey, LaSalle St.’s Senior Vice President of Business Development. “It lets advisors leverage what they do best, which is working with their clients.”
LaSalle St. Investment Advisors is a leading Registered Investment Advisory and is affiliated with LaSalle St. Securities, LLC, an independent broker-dealer, headquartered in the western suburbs of Chicago with over $8 billion in assets under management. LaSalle St. proudly supports over 300 financial advisors located throughout the United States since 1975. For more information on the LaSalle St. companies please visit saltcreekinvestors.com.