Fund Spotlight – 13D Activist Fund

by | Feb 14, 2019

13D Activist Fund (DDDIX) is the first mutual fund to provide actively managed exposure to Shareholder Activism in a low cost, liquid and transparent structure.

Shareholder Activism produces an understandable and consistent non-correlated outperformance by changing corporate culture, implementing best corporate governance practices, offering shareholders an alternate plan and replacing entrenched, conflicted and self-dealing management teams.

  • Portfolio manager Ken Squire founded the 13D Monitor, the premier institutional activist research product, in 2006 and launched the 13D Activist Fund (DDDIX) in 2011.
  • 13D Activist Fund invests in 20 to 40 companies that constitute the most compelling 13D activist campaigns.
  • We analyze the entire 13D event: including the track record of activist, the type of activism employed, the sector & industry targeted and the chances of a successful activist campaign.

13D Fact Sheet Q4 2018